Cyphoria is an invented word by Douglas Coupland in his publication named
Cyphoria is an invented word by Douglas Coupland in his publication named
“Age of Earthquakes: A Guide to Extreme Present”.
It means the belief that the Internet is the real world.
It means the belief that the Internet is the real world.
Word used with its description and pronunciation in International Phonetic Alphabet symbols.
Material selection of Cyphoria is aimed to reflect glitch-alike feeling in perception.Clear Plexiglas with layered text is aimed to achieve glitch feeling by distorted texts. On the other hand, plywood is selected as material for wooden base of the artwork because of its layered intersection looks like a glitch in real life.
In production process clear Plexiglas is cut into iPhone screen sized (approximately 58x105mm) and textual content is engraved precisely. Following step was the selection of the base material. It is marked carefully before processing into circular saw. After wood cutting step transparent parts are glued into their slots.
As a result, a three-dimensional typography based product is created. It is composed of six transparent layers, that has a different parts of the descriptive information about the word, which aims to have the feeling of a glitched words in real life. Letters are changed according to receiver’s perspective that is similar to animated glitches. Viewer should locate perfect angle to read whole sentence and fix the glitch.
While experimental product pushes limits of materiality in typography, content explores and identifies concepts related with dematerialisation. Digital look-alike physical shape distortions in real life are linked with digital manipulations. This is defined as supportive argument to identify changes happened in the Digital Era.